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Pablo Ureña

Why is a training plan important?

If you are looking to achieve realistic objectives in the short, medium or long term it is important to have a plan. Once you have a clear idea of your goals, you should choose your exercises and separate them in macrocycle, mesocycle and microcycle.

Having a training plan is fundamental. You can see clearly the small steps you need to take in order to achieve your goals. Registering your activities is also a good idea. This will allow you to see your progress along the way and view your final goals as more obtainable.

It is also important to realize it is not “just training”, but each training session has an effect (either positive or negative) on the mind and body. The muscles adapt after several training loads. That’s why muscles need sufficient rest time after any workout. Overloading your muscles could lead you to an injury.

Some benefits of having a training plan:

* Variety and consistency: Follow a calendar to have better results.

* Efficiency and improvement: Look your results with smart planning.

* Avoid injuries: Overtraining, bad technique...

* Individualization: We all improve at our own rhythm, based on our skills such as good foundations, metabolism, lifestyle etc...

If you want a better training plan or to improve your abilities, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a coach to ask for advice; pretty sure that they would help you out with your process. Just be sure that he or she is certified.

A well-structured, personalized plan with a clear start line, and good communication between an athlete and their certified coach is likely to be successful.

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